IAM Local Lodge 2228

For Sunnyvale, Palo Alto and Santa Cruz CA Workers

Category: LMSC

Union Report 5/07/2020

www.iamll2228.org 5/07/2020 Corona Virus Update — Company Hotline for COVID 19 is 877 342 3908 Exposure Update – No additional cases were reported today. The employee from B/195 is still being monitored for COVID-19 like symptoms, which have yet to be confirmed. However, this employee has not been at work in weeks. The LM Space […]

Union Report 4/28/2020

www.iamll2228.org 4/28/2020 Corona Virus Update — Company Hotline for COVID 19 is 877 342 3908 Exposure Update – No additional cases of COVID-19 exposure involving employees having prolonged contact with infected people were reported. About the two members that were asked to stay home last week; one has returned to work the other is remaining […]

Union Report 4/27/2020

4/27/2020 Corona Virus Update — Company Hotline for COVID 19 is 877 342 3908 Exposure Update – No additional cases of COVID-19 exposure involving employees having prolonged contact with infected people were reported. About the two cases reported last week that the hotline has being monitoring; we are waiting for both to be cleared, however […]

Union Report 4/22/2020

www.iamll2228.org 4/22/2020 Corona Virus Update — Company Hotline for COVID 19 is 877 342 3908 Exposure Update – Another day without a reported contact or exposure of the Corona Virus. Location Tracking – the company informed the committee that we should be receiving an answer from the Executive Leadership Committee early next week regarding our […]

IAM Local 2228 © 2015