IAM Local Lodge 2228

For Sunnyvale, Palo Alto and Santa Cruz CA Workers

Union Report 3/30/2020 Corona Virus Update

Corona Virus Update — Company Hotline for COVID 19 is 877 342 3908

The Union and the Company continue to meet on COVID-19 activity for the Bay Area Campus’. We received some good news regarding the members that were quarantined last week. They are currently undergoing the return to work protocols per the LM Medical clearance process. Remember, until they return to work, they will be paid under the KDNS charge code. As time moves on, we hope to hear more good news like this.

The Union asked many questions such as:

What are the cleaning processes for ABM?
How has their routine changed due to the Virus?

We received a breakdown of the cleaning and chemicals used; this information will be passed on to the safety committee.

Are there other areas affected other than NIROP? – not at this time.

The union discussed potential hazards due to the virus and concerns of employee movement to potentially affected buildings – the company is looking into alternative sites for our members to work, and the facilities group is continuing to focus on keeping the facilities clean, with a primary surface cleaning in high traffic and common use areas.

Santa Cruz was looking into two shifts – after we questioned the need for that, I was notified that the shifts will remain as is.

We asked about certain represented admin employees working from home – the company agreed based on the nature of their jobs they may work remotely to support their work tasks.

The Union brought up the spacing in break rooms – the company spoke with the manager involved, and he will stagger lunches and offer alternative locations.

If you have been following these bulletins, then you know that things change from day to day; we will continue to write these bulletins to keep you informed.
The issue about members being told to self-quarantine by their managers or medical personnel at the hotline require additional follow-up. We have had members use their own vacation / sick leave. If you are told to self-quarantine by your manager or the folks at the hotline, notify the committee members and labor relations as soon as possible. We want to ensure you have the appropriate SPACE charging direction and information.

Remember the following:

• If you feel sick, stay home and call the hotline number above
• Social distancing – keep at least 6 feet between you and others when possible
• Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
• Try not to touch your face or your eyes
• For those who are not sick and don’t feel comfortable at work, discuss this with your manager and take time off

The process for those who don’t feel well is to call the Hotline and discuss your symptoms and how you feel. If you are directed to self-quarantine, a notice will be sent to your manager and your labor relations business partner.

Your input has been valuable; please continue to pass it on to your stewards, Dimas Resendez, David Johnson, Kimberlee Hamilton Alarcon, Brian Babcock and Rod Thole. Bulletins will also be posted on LL2228 website www.iamll2228.org

All these actions and more are how we are going to keep the locations safe and healthy. We will keep generating these bulletins to keep you all informed.





Kevin Lee
408 829 4563

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